Video Rakaman Aidil Aziz Dijatuhkan Hukuman Gantung Oleh Hakim. Menangis Sampai Terduduk Aidil Aziz. Kesian Tengok Masa Depan Muda2 Lagi Dah Kena Gantung.

Pelakon drama Lara Terindah, Aidil Aziz dan dua rakannya berdepan hukuman mati di tali gantung selepas didakwa atas pertuduhan mengedar dadah jenis ganja seberat hampir 500 gram dua minggu lalu.

Aidil atau nama sebenarnya Mohd. Aidil Abdul Aziz, 28, dan dua rakan iaitu Omar Sayeed Ghulam Mohammad, 36, dan R. Guevara Cortez, 33, hanya meng­angguk faham selepas pertuduhan terhadap mereka dibacakan di hadapan Majistret Siti Radziah Kamarudin di Mahkamah Majistret di sini semalam.

Omar Sayeed merupakan anak kepada seorang Datuk Seri manakala Guevara merupakan rakyat Filipina.

Bagaimanapun, tiada pengakuan direkodkan daripada ketiga-tiga tertuduh berkenaan.

Mengikut pertuduhan, ketiga-tiga tertuduh secara bersama didapati mengedar dadah berbahaya iaitu ganja dengan anggaran seberat 465.61 gram di sebuah rumah banglo beralamat di No. 1 Jalan Ampang Ulu di sini pada pukul 12.40 te­ngah hari, 24 September lalu.

Bagi kesalahan itu, kesemua tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 39B Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 yang memperuntukkan hukuman gantung sampai mati jika sabit kesalahan. 

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    VIDEO] VIRAL Bawa Keluar Bini Orang Tanpa Pengetahuan Suami. Dah Kantoi Acukan Pistol Pulak !!!

    VIDEO] VIRAL Bawa Keluar Bini Orang Tanpa Pengetahuan Suami. Dah Kantoi Acukan Pistol Pulak !!! | ALOR SETAR – Dua kakitangan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) ditahan polis selepas terbabit dengan ugutan jenayah membabitkan penggunaan senjata api dalam pergaduhan Jumaat lalu, lapor Harian Metro. 
    Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kedah, Senior Asisten Komisioner Mohd Nashir Ya berkata, kedua-dua lelaki yang berusia 33 dan 36 tahun itu ditahan sebaik saja mereka menyerah diri di Balai Polis Kepala Batas, jam 9 malam.

    Polis juga turut merampas sepucuk pistol jenis Revolver bersama lima butir peluru dari seorang daripada suspek berkenaan.
    Dalam kejadian pada 21 Oktober lalu, suspek disyaki membawa keluar dua wanita berusia 30’an tanpa kebenaran suami wanita terbabit untuk beberapa hari.
    “Perkara itu akhirnya diketahui oleh suami wanita terbabit yang bertindak memintas kenderaan suspek di hadapan restoran di Jalan Sultanah Bahiyah, kira-kira jam 2 petang sebelum berlaku pertikaian dan pergaduhan di antara suspek dengan suami kepada wanita berkenaan.
    “Seorang daripada suspek kemudian mengeluarkan pistol dan mengacukan ke arah suami,” katanya.
    Orang awam yang menyaksikan kejadian itu kemudian bertindak membantu suami wanita itu untuk menenangkan keadaan.
    Siasatan awal polis mendapati, lelaki berkenaan adalah kakitangan Bahagian Kawal Selia yang berkhidmat dengan sebuah syarikat GLC.
    Suspek kini direman sehingga 27 Oktober dan kes disiasat dibawah Seksyen 506 Kanun Keseksaan kerana melakukan ugutan jenayah. Kredit:-Harian Metro
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      Bаgаіmаnарun, Ellу kеlіhаtаn bijak mеngаwаl ѕuаѕаnа dаn tіdаk melatah dеngаn lаwаk Nаbіl yang dianggap bіаdар dаn tidak ѕеnѕіtіf dеngаn kеаdааn ѕеhіnggkаn іѕu реrіbаdі ѕеѕеоrаng dіjаdіkаn bahan jenaka.

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      Diharapkan ѕеlераѕ ini Nabil akan lеbіh ѕеnѕіtіf dаn berjaga-jaga dalam bеrjеnаkа. Tak semua isu bоlеh dіjаdіkаn bahan kеtаwа.

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        Walaupun baharu pertama kali digandingkan bersama, keserasian yang wujud dalam lakonan Neelofa dan Fattah cukup digemari peminat sehinggakan mereka ingin melihat pasangan ini betul-betul bercinta seperti mana watak Ejaz Fakhri dan Warda Erina dalam SHMP.
        Sejak beberapa hari lalu, sebuah video viral menyaksikan sebuah babak di atas katil bila mana Neelofa secara tidak sengaja telah ‘memperlihatkan’ lurah dadanya selepas tudung dipakainya tersingkap seketika.
        Netizen tidak melepaskan peluang berkongsi post tersebut di media sosial masing-masing.
        Amat nyata sekali Neelofa tidak sengaja dan klip itu hanya satu saat, namun ia tetap menarik perhatian begitu ramai orang. – MYNEWSHUB

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          Semasa ditemui pada pukul 6.30 pagi kelmarin, jururawat desa di sebuah pusat kesihatan di daerah ini dalam keadaan terbaring separuh boogel dan tidak sedarkan diri dipercayai kerana terlalu mabuk.
          Penemuan mangsa yang ber­usia 22 tahun itu menimbulkan perhatian orang ramai yang lalu-lalang di kawasan perindustrian tersebut.
          Ketua Polis Daerah Kapit, Deputi Superintendan Freedy Bian berkata, sebelum ke­jadian, mangsa di­kata­kan berhibur ber­sama dua kenalan lelaki yang baru dikenali di sebuah pusat karaoke di sini.
          Bagaimanapun, me­nurut beliau, selepas berhibur di dua buah pusat karaoke pada malam sama, mangsa kemudian dipercayai diperkosa oleh kedua-dua kenalannya yang dikatakan pekerja kilang.
          “Selepas dinoodai mangsa di­percayai sengaja ditinggalkan di tepi jalan dalam keadaan separuh boogel dan tidak sedarkan diri,” kata beliau ketika dihubungi. [ VIDEO ]

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            The Advantages of Online Stock Trading
            Once upon a time, the only way to trade stockswas through a stockbroker. These high-powered men and women would take stock orders, make suggestions and then handle the entirety of the actual buying and selling of stocks. With the proliferation of the internet, brokers have become a commodity that is only used by those who intend to trade large quantities of stock – usually either very wealthy individuals or businesses. The average person no longer needs a broker because they can trade online. There are numerous benefits to online stock trading, especially for casual traders.
            The first benefit of online stock trading is cost. Brokers make their living working with stocks and bring advanced degrees in business as well as years of experience to trading. All that can make them very effective, but also very costly. Often they will charge not only a brokerage fee, which is an up-front fee for their services, but often they take a percentage of any earnings. They may also have other fees added into the exchange, depending on the stockbroker. Online brokerage firms charge flat rates for each transaction, which are usually extremely inexpensive by comparison.
            The second benefit of online stock trading is that you have full control. This was always one of the biggest complaints when brokers held a stranglehold on the market. They would often refuse to perform a trade they thought was a poor investment. If they saw any flaws in an investment, they had full authority to deny the trade to their clients. While this could save the potential client from making a bad investment, it could also prevent them from taking a risk that would pay off enormously. Online stock trading removes the middleman between traders and the stocks they want.
            The third benefit of online stock trading is immediacy. Using the daisy chain of investor to broker to trade to payoff was sometimes too time consuming to execute the trade in time, which is a danger in the world of stocks where time is money and seconds count. Trading online allows immediate trading for the investor and real-time updates regarding a stock’s performance. The lag between the investor’s purchase and the actual time the stocks are bought has been reduced to nil.
            The fourth benefit of online stock trading is being able to make as many or as few trades as you desire. Brokers usually required a minimum trade allotment, which meant that an individual could not make a single trade for a paltry sum. They were forced to adhere to the broker’s guidelines. This prevented casual traders from being able to trade whatever volume of investments they wanted.
            The stock market has come a long way from the archaic days of faceless men in pinstripe suits making deals in boardrooms that toyed with the finances of the entire country, if not the world. Now it is just as easy for anyone to trade online while sitting in the comfort of his or her own home. The benefit of online stock trading is that it wrests control of the market from the brokers and puts it, along with his or her financial future, into the hands of the individual.

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              KAPIT 23 OCTOBER 2016. (KCM108Y) Mangsa seorang wanita berusia 22, tahun ditemui terbaring oleh orang ramai di jalan raya kawasan perindustrian ringan Bletih Kapit. IHSAN/FB KBM

              Ten Facts You Might Not Know About Online Stock Trading
              Gone are the days when traditional brokers were needed to play the stock market. Nowadays,online stock trading can be done quickly and easily with the click of a button. Trading onlinehas become a fully automated process so that average investors can buy and sell stocks for their own brokerage, mutual funds or retirement accounts. Here are some helpful facts to consider before investing.
              1. It’s easy to do.
              Trading is open to anyone with an internet connection. All you need to do is open an account with an online brokerage like optionsXpress, Fidelity or E*Trade. Once your account is set up, you can begin trading.
              2. It’s convenient.
              Trading online can be done around the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all kinds of global markets. All you need is an internet connection and any applicable trading software.
              3. You’re in the driver’s seat from day one.
              You have control over where you put your money, which can be both a pro and a con. Novice investors may need to spend more time doing more investment research and getting the right facts and data to make the good investment decisions. Fortunately, many online brokerages provide online tools and information to help investors decide where to invest.
              4. It’s cheap.
              Online trading has eliminated the need for a live stockbroker, so investors can save on the price of commissions. Online trading companies have low fees for trading, many of which are less than $5 per trade.
              5. There may be hidden costs.
              Although trading costs may be low, you still must consider any associated hidden costs. You will need to read the fine print to make sure you have all the facts. It may state that you may need to keep a minimum amount in your account balance. With a low-cost broker may come subpar customer service, not to mention the lack of financial advice from a live person. You’re pretty much on your own, so any trades you place are your responsibility – and some mistakes may cost you in the long run.
              6. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme.
              This is certainly no get-rich-quick venture because the failure rate for first-time investors is pretty high, and many people may get out of the market within the first year of trading. Inexperienced investors without the right facts tend to underestimate the amount of time it takes to research stocks and are likely to make many mistakes in the beginning. Becoming a successful online stock trader takes time, patience and discipline.
              7. You need a good plan to succeed.
              Anyone who invests should include both short-term and long-term financial goals in order to succeed. Having a plan and a strategy to get there will help you weather the storms of the market.
              8. Learning the online trading system takes time.
              Depending on how easy or sophisticated your trading needs are, you may need to invest some time into getting the facts on how to use online tools or software for trading. Not knowing how to operate the online tools can result in errors and costly mistakes.
              9. Trading accounts may be open to online fraud.
              Identity thieves may be on the prowl for those trading online. Investors need to be sure to secure their online connections before the first trade takes place.
              10. The system could go down.
              Although rare, a system malfunction can happen and you need to have a backup plan in place it does. Before opening up an account, you may want to find out what contingency action plans are in place.
              Online trading takes research, patience and having the proper measures in place for any unforeseen events. By taking the time to research the facts and having the intention to use online stock trading as a tool for the long haul, you may have the potential to profit.
              At TopTenREVIEWS We Do the Research So You Don’t Have To.™
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              KAPIT 23 OCTOBER 2016. (KCM108Y) Mangsa seorang wanita berusia 22, tahun ditemui terbaring oleh orang ramai di jalan raya kawasan perindustrian ringan Bletih Kapit. IHSAN/FB KBM

              Ten Facts You Might Not Know About Online Stock Trading
              Gone are the days when traditional brokers were needed to play the stock market. Nowadays,online stock trading can be done quickly and easily with the click of a button. Trading onlinehas become a fully automated process so that average investors can buy and sell stocks for their own brokerage, mutual funds or retirement accounts. Here are some helpful facts to consider before investing.
              1. It’s easy to do.
              Trading is open to anyone with an internet connection. All you need to do is open an account with an online brokerage like optionsXpress, Fidelity or E*Trade. Once your account is set up, you can begin trading.
              2. It’s convenient.
              Trading online can be done around the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all kinds of global markets. All you need is an internet connection and any applicable trading software.
              3. You’re in the driver’s seat from day one.
              You have control over where you put your money, which can be both a pro and a con. Novice investors may need to spend more time doing more investment research and getting the right facts and data to make the good investment decisions. Fortunately, many online brokerages provide online tools and information to help investors decide where to invest.
              4. It’s cheap.
              Online trading has eliminated the need for a live stockbroker, so investors can save on the price of commissions. Online trading companies have low fees for trading, many of which are less than $5 per trade.
              5. There may be hidden costs.
              Although trading costs may be low, you still must consider any associated hidden costs. You will need to read the fine print to make sure you have all the facts. It may state that you may need to keep a minimum amount in your account balance. With a low-cost broker may come subpar customer service, not to mention the lack of financial advice from a live person. You’re pretty much on your own, so any trades you place are your responsibility – and some mistakes may cost you in the long run.
              6. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme.
              This is certainly no get-rich-quick venture because the failure rate for first-time investors is pretty high, and many people may get out of the market within the first year of trading. Inexperienced investors without the right facts tend to underestimate the amount of time it takes to research stocks and are likely to make many mistakes in the beginning. Becoming a successful online stock trader takes time, patience and discipline.
              7. You need a good plan to succeed.
              Anyone who invests should include both short-term and long-term financial goals in order to succeed. Having a plan and a strategy to get there will help you weather the storms of the market.
              8. Learning the online trading system takes time.
              Depending on how easy or sophisticated your trading needs are, you may need to invest some time into getting the facts on how to use online tools or software for trading. Not knowing how to operate the online tools can result in errors and costly mistakes.
              9. Trading accounts may be open to online fraud.
              Identity thieves may be on the prowl for those trading online. Investors need to be sure to secure their online connections before the first trade takes place.
              10. The system could go down.
              Although rare, a system malfunction can happen and you need to have a backup plan in place it does. Before opening up an account, you may want to find out what contingency action plans are in place.
              Online trading takes research, patience and having the proper measures in place for any unforeseen events. By taking the time to research the facts and having the intention to use online stock trading as a tool for the long haul, you may have the potential to profit.
              At TopTenREVIEWS We Do the Research So You Don’t Have To.™

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